Dental Implants Versus Fixed Dental Bridges
Replacing a missing tooth is often a major concern for both cosmetic and health reasons. Although there are many options for tooth replacement, deciding which one is best for you can be challenging. While it may be tempting to simply decide upon the method that is least expensive, you may end up paying more out of pocket in the long run.
One of the simplest forms of tooth replacement is with a fixed dental bridge, which entails fusing an artificial tooth between two porcelain crowns to replace a gap in your smile. While this permanent restoration can rejuvenate the appearance of your smile and restore lost oral function, a dental bridge can increase your risk for cavities in adjacent teeth that can become more difficult to clean. In addition, a fixed dental bridge cannot help prevent bone loss beneath the restoration. Though fixed dental bridges may be less expensive than dental implants at the time of your procedure, the potential risks may lead to future expenses.
Since dental implants are designed to replace a missing tooth with a replacement that looks and functions just like a natural tooth, they are typically considered the best option for tooth replacement. With a dental implant, you can brush and floss your teeth as usual, allowing you to maintain good oral health with no extra work. In addition, the titanium post that serves as your new tooth’s artificial root can help protect the jaw from bone loss. However, patients with insufficient bone may not be ideal candidates for dental implants, in which case your dentist can recommend an effective alternative.
For more information about which method of tooth replacement may be best for you, please contact our practice today to schedule your appointment with Dr. Wayde Fawcett.