Tooth-Colored Fillings
*Actual Patient
Tooth-Colored Fillings in Houston
Tooth-colored fillings, which are also called composite or resin fillings, can provide a natural-looking alternative to dark silver fillings. The color of the composite filling material can be shade-matched to blend naturally with the rest of your tooth, making the filling virtually indistinguishable. In addition to providing outstanding aesthetic value, resin composite is very durable and forms a tightly sealed chemical bond with the tooth to keep it strong and protected. Tooth-colored fillings also preserve natural tooth structure because less of the tooth has to be removed when composite fillings are placed
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Replacing Silver Amalgam Fillings With Tooth-Colored Fillings
Many of Dr. Wayde Fawcett’s patients choose to replace their older silver amalgam fillings with tooth-colored fillings for several reasons:
Contact the Fawcett Center for Dentistry, P.A.
For more information about tooth-colored fillings, please contact the Fawcett Center for Dentistry to schedule a consultation with our skilled dentist.
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Tooth-Colored Fillings in Houston, TX
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